Teachers and educators
Explore our list of schools programs and workshops
Express Media works directly with young people in secondary schools to build essential literary skills, develop their voices and achieve their creative goals. We aim to foster a love of writing by providing opportunities for young people to express themselves and develop practical skills.
Developed in accordance with Australian Curriculum standards, our workshops focus on specific areas of writing and editing to support classroom learning and empower students to pursue their own creative potential. Our workshop series can be tailored to the needs of various skill levels and high-school ages.
Express Media has a long history of collaborating with secondary and tertiary educators to deliver learning opportunities for students around Australia.
If you’re a teacher, there are many ways we can connect and offer resources to help young writers build skills, find their voice, and get published.
Schools Membership
As well as offering individual memberships for young writers, we also have a Schools Membership package, which includes a print + digital subscription to Voiceworks, a quarterly schools newsletter full of the latest writing opportunities for students, and regular teachers’ resource booklets for just $100 a year. You can purchase it here, or email us at info@expressmedia.org.au if you need a purchase order or invoice.
Voiceworks in the classroom
Express Media is the publisher of Voiceworks - Australia’s premier youth literary journal publishing new work from writers and artists under 25. It comes out in print and digital three times a year, and features fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, illustration, photography & more!
Those with a Schools Membership will receive each issue in print and digital formats, as well as a corresponding teachers’ resource booklet to help guide exercises and conversations using the magazine’s contents and to meet curriculum learning outcomes.