Day 11: Poetry off the Page
Get off the page and behind a microphone for Day 11 of National Young Writers' Month.
Spotlight On: James Butler
James Butler, co-founder and fiction editor for Scum Magazine, tells us about essays, theses, and writing.
Day 9: Short Fiction
It's Day 9 and we're checking out the best short fiction competitions around.
NYWM Poetry: Romy Durrant
Week 2 of National Young Writers' Month sees us throwing the spotlight on Poetry, with an interview series of young poets by Izzy Roberts-Orr
The 2015 John Marsden & Hachette Australia Prize for Young Writers
Entries are now open for The 2015 John Marsden & Hachette Australia Prize for Young Writers!
Day 6: Bad Advice for Young Writers
Everyone has a golden rule when it comes to writing, but the habits of all great writers are different. Day 6 is looking at Bad Advice for Young Writers.