NYWM: Day 28

We’ve discussed planning the novel and how to get that amazing first sentence to get the ball rolling, but what happens when you’re near the end but you don’t know how to end it? Like the beginning of your written piece, the ending is just as difficult to write. You have to be able to […]

NYWM: Day 26

So you want to be an editor… When you really think about it, everyone is an editor in some way or another. Every single day we edit – a writer revises his manuscript, a teacher stops mid sentence to enhance clarity in his coherency, a students edits their assignment. But a professional editor doesn’t just […]

NYWM: Day 22

We know plenty of you are all enthusiasstically trying to fulfill your NYWM goals, but if you consider yourself new to the writing scene and still don’t know where to start, have you ever thought about writing reviews? Now we know that film reviewing works of two ways – you can either be a happy […]

NYWM: Day 16

Today’s topic is about self editing your written piece. Editing is s crucial stage in the writing process because while you may think your written piece is absolutely magnificent, it may be riddled with spelling and grammar errors you were unaware of. Don’t get us wrong, while editing is crucial, its actually quite a challenge […]

NYWM: Day 13

In previous posts we’ve talked about alleviating writers block. This post is slightly similar, only this time we’re going to discuss how not to get distracted while writing. Let’s be honest, there are a multitude of things that can distract us from our writing goals – unexpected events to attend, laziness, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr…the […]

NYWM: Day 12

We know we’ve neglected all the aspiring journalists for a while now, but fret no more! Today’s post is about journalism and resources to help you fulfill your journalistic goals. The great thing about journalism is that there are plenty of categories to choose – feature writing, investigative journalism, interviewer, reviewer…the list can go on […]

NYWM: Day 11

Today’s post is going to be about networking and putting yourself out there. This applies to every kind of writer – whether you’re a journalist, an emerging author or a wannabe professional film critic. As writers, we all love to see our byline or name in print, especially when it’s accompanied by a piece that […]

NYWM: Day 10

Don’t you just hate it when you’ve finished a writing piece, but have absolutely no idea what to name it? It’s a common obstacle faced by many writers, and one of the most difficult ones to overcome. So today we’re going to give you a helping hand, by giving you advice on how to title […]

NYWM: Day 7

The structure of your novel is something that should be considered very carefully because essentially, there is no point in writing a novel if their is no coherent structure. It not only makes for bad reading, but it also creates thousands of loopholes in the plot, making your audience feel underwhelmed and disappointed. One of […]

NYWM: Day 5

The importance of an opening sentence. Imagine this: You have spent months planning an amazing plot with terrific characters and themes. The storyline plays out vividly in your mind from beginning to end. The process sounds exciting, and your mind contemplates how this entire story could be a defining moment in your life. You turn […]