23 June 2012

Seizure Novella Competition

Publishing bigwig Seizure is on the hunt for invigorating fiction and are launching a new novella competition for Australian and New Zealand writers:

If you sometimes think that novels are just obese novellas, then you’re on our wavelength. And since we are theme-lovers this time we are challenging all writers to tackle the theme: ‘Origin’. You can take this as the start of a series, the genesis of a character, a history or a myth.

What’s a novella? For our purposes a slim 20–50,000 words.

Why a novella?  It is a movie-length reading experience and perfect for a digital read. Longer than a short story and shorter than a novel, it’s an under-published form.

What’s the prize? There will only be one winner this time. Firstly they’ll receive a thousand dollars in unmarked bills. Secondly they’ll get put through the Seizure rock-crusher/editing machine. Thirdly the winner’s novella will be designed with the usual Seizure flair and unleashed onto the world in digital and printed form.

Entries close November 1, 2012. Shortlisting December and Releasing March 2013

We are taking submissions through submishmash:

Submit to Viva La Novella