The Rain by Karen Liu

The Rain by Karen Liu (14) The rain, my dear, taps desolate on cities greyHer marked voice an echo, a plea, a cry.Cry for the parched, sun kissed daySilent tap, whispered tap, rhythmic tapSeeds sown, foreboding cloud, blossoms grow in hungerSnails behold, dripping droplets, wipers race.Thunder on tin roof, drumming on window panePeer out into midnight dark—awash, cleansed, freeStop, start. Storm, spit. Nothing one can tameThere’s an intermission. She’s rested her showMotes of grey clatter toMagician’s trick—wonder suspended, time envelopedFlash of colour—of red of violet of blueDelicately preserved, sewn so preciseIs this smoke screened water colour of hues.


The John Marsden Prize for Young Australian Writers 2012


The Wanderer by Amin Olson