21 September 2020

Farewell to our wonderful General Manager, Lucy Hamilton!

After 3 wonderful years with us, Express Media and Voiceworks are saying a heartfelt goodbye to Lucy Hamilton, our wonderful CEO/General Manager. Lucy has given tirelessly to young Australian writers, artists and editors by leading Express Media, and is responsible for what both Voiceworks and Express Media are today!

As a part of our goodbye, we sat down with Lucy to chat about her time with us, what applicants might expect from the CEO role, and what she is wanting from the future.

1) What was the most surprising thing about being Express Media’s General Manager?

Just how broad the role is, in terms of tasks and also scope. You are in charge of both the long term strategizing, big picture thinking, as well as the day-to-day running of the organisation. You have to constantly manage your brain space to allow for the shifting lens of focus in a role like this. I really get a lot of energy out of the varied nature of the role, but I hadn’t quite appreciated it until I did it.

2) What’s some advice you have for arts workers wanting to take on this role in the future?

My advice for every arts worker in any role in any organisation is to manage your boundaries. We have all come to this career because we believe in it – and that can lead to overwork as we strive to make ‘the thing’ as good as possible. I’ve been lucky to be able to balance different facets of my life with this role – but it involves telling myself to stop working, not checking or answering emails out of hours and managing my own expectations of what I can achieve in a 38 hour week.

3) What are some of the things you learnt in your time being on Express Media’s General Manager?

That it’s OK not to know everything! Express Media is run by a team of highly skilled and hard working staff, contractors and volunteers, and has a very knowledgeable board – and it takes all of us to run this organisation. I’ve become a lot better at asking for help when I need it.

4) What were some of your highlights of the experience?

It’s a cliche for a reason – but all the people I’ve worked with. Everyone involved with this organisation is so passionate about it, and has similar values and is just so switched on, and it’s just been a joy to get to know so many wonderful, hard working and skilled people.

5) What kind of writers and writing are you most drawn to and why?

I read a lot of dystopian narratives – maybe because I like allegories and despair, who knows. It’s probably not the best thing to be reading right now. That being said, the books that I’ve kept thinking about the most that I’ve read this year haven’t necessarily been dystopian and have been quite varied – The Yield, The Fifth Season, Girl, Woman, Other & We Are Never Meeting in Real Life.

6) You’re heading on to be the CEO of Writers Victoria, what are you excited to work on there?

I’m really excited to take what I’ve learned over the last few years supporting young writers and editors, to be able to expand that to writers of all ages and at all stages of their career.

7) What has been your favourite or most memorable Express Media event/initiative and why?

You can’t make me pick this! I’ll just pick one. Maybe because of the timing, the Voiceworks As If! Animal Crossing launch was just so perfect and of the moment. It was the first launch by our new Editor Adalya and was a farewell to our previous editor Mira and designer Mikey and there was just so much joy in it. It happened relatively early in iso and I think was something that we all really needed.


We wish you all the best Lucy, in what comes next for you, and we thank you for giving so much to the young writers, artists and editors of Australia!

We are currently looking for a highly skilled and energetic arts manager to provide leadership in ensuring the sustainable future of the organisation.

Applications for the position of Express Media’s General Manager/CEO close at 4.00pm AEST, Friday 2 October. For more details about the role, including how to apply, please download the position description. Word format available here.

