27 June 2013

NYWM: Day 27

number-27-whDo you have a musical streak as well as a literary one? It’s always beneficial to try out new creative mediums, and which one could be more obvious for a writer than songwriting?

Many very successful musicians have crossed over from music to the written word and vice versa, and much discussion about the musicality of good writing.

Opportunities and Events

As a budding songwriter, you might like to get involved in an online songwriting community, or make use of a news and education resource

Here’s a list of useful twitter resources. And here’s some myths about songwriting to discard. Triple J has a bit of advice to add, and of course so does Nick Cave.

And if you’ve got something special together and all ready to be heard, make sure you put in an entry in the QANTAS Spirit of Youth Awards for the chance of winning your own professional mentor, $5,000 and flights to anywhere in the world!

I didn’t want to write for pay. I wanted to be paid for what I write. – Leonard Cohen

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