16 June 2013

NYWM: Day 16


There are loads of valuable resources for budding journalists online. Places such as Poynter offer comprehensive information that makes topics such as verifying sources, using Instagram as a reporting tool or a source for web content and becoming a better interviewer.

This interview from the Melbourne Writers’ Festival (2012) with Robert Manne on his Quarterly Essay about The Australian newspaper is excellent watching for all wanna be newspaper reporters.

For added inspiration you may want to check out the finalist’s entries in the Walkley Young Australian Journalist of the Year Award, consider visiting bodies such as the Centre for Advancing Journalism, or contact a volunteer based news service such as SYN FM or a community radio station in your area.

For those considering the freelance option, you might want to take a look at these FAQs, this video on content creation or advice from this freelance journalist. And if you want a savvy, cynical way to make some money out of the career, maybe try this!


Today’s quote get’s to the root of free speech.

“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”
– Voltaire

If you want to report the news, it’s important to keep up with the news. How do you do this? Tell us in today’s poll…

[polldaddy poll=7182348]