
Australia’s premier youth literary journal

Voiceworks is a national literary journal that features exciting new writing and art by young Australians. Our purpose is to create a space for people under twenty-five to develop their creative and editorial skills and to publish, and be paid for, their fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art and comics. Each selected piece goes through a collaborative editing process, and we provide individualised feedback for all unsuccessful submissions.

The Voiceworks team consists of the Editor, Designer, and a volunteer Editorial Committee (EdComm), all of whom are also under twenty-five. Voiceworks relies entirely on contributions from young Australians. We seek to empower young writers and readers as equal creators and participants within the larger arts community. Our goal is to allow young people to represent themselves through literary and artistic production, and to develop their work and skills in a safe and supportive space.

You can purchase Voiceworks from the online store or subscribe here.